The DoctorPremed Blog

The hardest part of medical school is getting in. Let me show you how to successfully get into medical school so that you actually become a DOCTOR!

Apple AirPods Are Not the Goal You Want the Stethoscope

May 27, 2020

Are you willing to give up your Apple AirPods?

I really want to know.

Sure we all know AirPods are universally recognized as a status symbol.

But there's a status symbol that cannot be purchased.

Imagine, replacing your AirPods for a stethoscope because you have been accepted into medical school. The ultimate status. Your life will never be the same after a 60 second phone call. You look at your caller ID and do not recognize the number, however you decide to answer the call and it's an AdCom calling to personally congratulate you on your medical school acceptance.

Reality begins to set in because no matter what after today you're going to be a DOCTOR. Your parents could not be prouder of your accomplishments. Even, your Dad who rarely shows emotion is excited.

This is all the dream and the moment you've been waiting for.

But life looks a bit different right now.

Your're still wondering, "What are my chances?" as you don't know if you will get admitted to medical school. Plus, the 60% REJECTION rate is scary.

This is a huge competition. Acceptance will come down to your GPA, MCAT score, 1000s hrs of extracurriculars and the personal statement must be overcome. Life is really uncertain at the moment.

I hope you're not thinking you can figure it out on your own.

Are you tempted to browse SDN and Reddit? Maybe you can contact that distant Uncle who is a doctor or there's always the friend of a friend who recently got into medical school. These are all options but you're doubtful and suspicious of leaving your medical future to surfing internet forums and people who do not have your best interest at heart. The stakes are just too high to chance it.

It's time to gain some certainly in your life especially considering you are applying to medical school.

How would your life change if you had the opportunity to work with a physician with a proven track record of transforming "diamond in the rough" premeds into students who successfully get accepted to medical school. If you're looking to have a premed dream team at your service who can guide you each and every step of the way then DoctorPremed is your only choice.

Let me show you the ropes so that one day you can be in my shoes as a doctor.

Besides, anyone can own a pair of AirPods but only a select few can rock a stethoscope as a physician and it might as well be you.

Discover how I can help you and let's turn those medical school dreams into a reality!


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