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The MCAT Study Plan To Boost Your MCAT Score Immediately

mcat premed May 28, 2020

Use this MCAT study plan if you've been studying for weeks without an improvement in your MCAT score. 

What I'm about to share with you was used by one student who after weeks of studying for the MCAT had only managed to improve her MCAT score by one point.

Talk about a discouraged and frustrated premed student.

I'm sure you would feel the same way if you spent money on a MCAT prep course, had been doing all the assigned:

  • Lectures
  • Videos
  • Readings
  • Practice problems

and had nothing to show for you hard work. 

Something needed to change and fast.

You do not want to spend six weeks preparing for the MCAT all to realize what you are doing is not moving you closer to your target MCAT score. A new MCAT study plan is needed ASAP.

Making the MCAT Diagnosis

When students are preparing for the MCAT and not seeing improvement it comes down to one of two things.

Either they are weak in their knowledge or their MCAT test-taking strategies need to be optimized.

How do you know which end of the spectrum you fall on?

Typically you are weak in knowledge if you simply do not know the material. I know basis assessment, but it's the truth. Only you can answer for yourself if you truly know the material or not.

But if you find yourself doing all the readings, videos and lectures but when you get to the actual problems you seem to not have a solid grasp of the material then it is a knowledge issue. Especially if you feel that given more time your MCAT performance will not improve.

On the otherhand, you have a test-taking issue if you find yourself making silly mistakes on the MCAT.

This could be anything from rushing and not answering what the question is actually asking of you or it could be running out of time on the test.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to MCAT test-taking strategies that should be addressed. But today I just want you to quickly figure out what camp you belong in as the rest of this article will address knowledge deficiencies

The Prescription for Fixing Your MCAT Knowledge Gaps

If knowledge is your ailment I have the perfect prescription that you can begin using today.

What I'm about to share with you should not be taken lightly.

One student implemented this exact plan and was able to improve their MCAT score by 8 points in only one week

Imagine how eight points can change your MCAT percentile and finally put you in a very competitive position when it comes to getting the attention of AdComs as a medical school applicant.

Here's what you will actually do going forward in your MCAT study plan to see the biggest gains.

I want you to only focus on one specific subject area at a time. Instead of trying to study everything for the MCAT you need to take a subject specific approach until you have mastered it and then slowly add more subjects.

Mastery is in the form where you have studied the topic well enough that you are comfortable sitting for the MCAT without ever coming back to this topic. If you feel that is a stretch and pushing the limits of what you are capable of doing then it means you have not studied the topic in-depth enough.

You need to study as though you will never see the material again, except on your MCAT test day.

Let me give you an example of exactly how this looks.

Subject Specific MCAT Study Plan

The easiest example would be as a medical student preparing for your medical licensing exams and taking a subject specific approach.

You know the exam will cover everything from the first two years of medical school which means:

  • Organ Systems
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Biochemistry
  • Histology
  • Genetics

The industrious student will study all of these topics and then do practice problems in random mode to mimic their licensing exam.

However, if you are NOT scoring well your approach needs to be different.

Not only will you limit your focus, you will actually be laser focused on the topic.

For example it's not about learning all of the organ systems. Nope. Too broad. You are only going to focus on cardiology. Even then you narrow down within the topic of cardiology. Your focus will be on congenital heart conditions.

This is a relatively large topic but also narrow too.

Here's what you would do step by step in your MCAT study plan.

You begin by doing all of your reading and videos associated with congenital heart conditions. Once you have a solid grasp of this topic from your study materials then you are only going to do problems that cover congenital heart conditions. 

What will happen is you will begin to see how what you read/watched is then turned into test questions. You should also start to see the depth of knowledge needed to get the questions correct.

Also you will see how does the test writer take a topic and turn it into questions such as what are they focusing on, what are questions you see over and over again, etc.?

Some will argue that you already know what to expect and it is easier to narrow down answer choices when you prepare for the MCAT in this manner which is true. However, you have to realize you are deficient in your knowledge and need to get to a certain baseline level of performance before engaging in MCAT study strategies that will optimize your overall score.

Let's use an example specific to the MCAT.

You need to improve in Physics. But you are NOT trying to learn all of physics at once. Instead, you're going to focus on the ramps, pulleys and weights section of physics. 

Read and watch everything associated with the ramps, pulleys and weights. 

Then you are only going to do MCAT problems that focus on ramps, pulleys and weights.

When you study like this you will begin to see patterns in what are common questions being asked, how this topic is parsed down along with seeing the difference in what you studied and what the test writer thinks is important from that topic.

Trust me, if you begin to use this MCAT study plan you are going to see a dramatic improvement in your score.

If you stick to trying to study everything you miss out on repetition and having to really assess the details of a topic because you're leaning about Physics in one question and then you're off to Biochemistry. 

Patterns Will Begin to Surface

When you're laser focused on one topic patterns will begin to emerge.

You can then study based on the patterns.

You may realize that pulleys are always tested you a specific framework/concept where a certain equation is rarely involved.

Once you are aware of this you can then return to your primary study resources and get focused on the exact famework/concept you must have complete mastery of to perform well on your MCAT.

Here's the kicker with this MCAT study plan.

You do not move on when you have a semi grasp of the material. Also thinking you will know it when you see it will not cut it and is a recipe for MCAT disaster. 

The MCAT is a test to determine if you will have the privilege of getting into medical school so that you can become a doctor and you must give it the attention it deserves.

Your goal is to learn a topic so well that by the time you are done with it you actually want to see those questions on your exam. If you are a bit scared or unsure then you have not grasped the topic well enough.

Repetition will be the key to seeing the patterns and then translating that into MCAT points. 

Once you have mastered a topic to the best of your ability go ahead and add another topic.

This Is A Compounding Effect

Imagine how you'd perform on the MCAT if you studied by topic throughout your MCAT prep period!

You'd be scoring at entirely different MCAT percentiles. 

This MCAT study plan can add up fast as you continue to master topics and add them to the ones you are practically guaranteed to get correct on the actual test.

Seriously, you have to recall there are only so many ways the test writer can test you on each topic and using the system I have outlined above you will be ahead of the test writer. Plus, I can't tell you how many questions I have personally gotten correct because of focusing in on one topic at a time and not moving on until I felt there was no way I would get any related question incorrect. 

Students who have changed to this MCAT study plan have made serious gains on the MCAT.

One student in particular saw an eight point increase in only 7 days using this MCAT study plan. What would you do for results like that? 

If You Liked This Study Plan There's More

Studying for the MCAT does not necessarily have to be hard.

You have to follow a MCAT study plan and stick with it. Usually, the simple plans work the best and it is your job to trust the process. Do not fall into the trap thinking there is some hidden golden ticket that will change everything for you academically. Because that's a pipe dream.

However, I can tell you what you have learned about taking a topical approach to your MCAT preparation is just the tip of the iceberg. I've been helping students prepare for the Medical College Admission Test for years and this combined with my personal experience along with having completed medical school places me in a unique position to help you succeed.

I want you to have opportunity possible to beat the MCAT so if you're serious about earning a top score then you should look into my MCAT Mastery Companion Course.

It will blow your mind.

When you're ready to study less, learn more and score higher then my MCAT Mastery Companion Course is just what you need. 

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